SA2020’s operations ended on March 28, 2024.
Our data, reports, and stories will remain online through September 2024. Read more about our decision to dissolve on our blog.
SA2020 | Stories | SA2020 - Part 32


On this blog, we share the stories of people all over San Antonio who are leading change. Read about the individuals, organizations, and collaborations that are moving us closer to the shared Community Vision.

A New Spin on Síclovía!

This fall, Síclovía is headed back to Broadway, and the YMCA of Greater San Antonio is excited to announce a new spin on Síclovía’s traditional route. At the September 28 Síclovía event, attendees can look forward to exploring San Antonio’s

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It Takes A Village, San Antonio

Throughout college, I always dreaded the yearly meeting with the business office at my university. I never quite knew how I would pay for the tuition to clear the hold I had to register for classes. Even as I entered

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SPARK Parks Come to San Antonio!

By Vanessa Ortiz, SA2020 Mellon Fellow at SAHA Post 11 | Series Archive As a future Master in Public Health student, I find parks exciting. Not only are they beautiful additions to our city, they also provide many free opportunities to engage in physical

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New Parents, New Commitments

By Patti Radle, SA2020 Board Member and 2014 Resolutions Leader (follow her here!) Update on my SA2020 Resolution to get people to stop using bottled water–I have another commitment! To recap, so far I’ve received commitments from Dr. Perez, Superintendent of

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Water Restrictions: What’s My Stage Again?

By Allie Perez   As someone who works in the plumbing industry, I know that one of the most important facets of environmental sustainability for San Antonio lies in the procurement and treatment of our scarce water supply. So important,

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