SA2020’s operations ended on March 28, 2024.
Our data, reports, and stories will remain online through September 2024. Read more about our decision to dissolve on our blog.
SA2020 | Stories | SA2020 - Part 25


On this blog, we share the stories of people all over San Antonio who are leading change. Read about the individuals, organizations, and collaborations that are moving us closer to the shared Community Vision.


The Clock is Ticking for Health Care Coverage!

The Affordable Care Act of 2010 created the Health Insurance Marketplace and the opportunity to increase access to healthcare for millions of people. Shortly after that, the San Antonio community came together to create a coalition called EnrollSA focused on

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College SIgning Day

‘Tis the Season for Some Deadlines

So, we’re in the middle of the holiday break. That means it’s time for relaxation, family time, a little TV, and… deadlines…?!? Yes, deadlines. Here’s the deal: the first part of the year is when all the things for kids are due.

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SA2020's Birthday

Top 15 Moments of 2015

2015 was another huge year for SA2020. From welcoming new partners to getting out the vote, we were busy, busy, busy (in the best possible way). And we couldn’t have done any of it without you. To celebrate the end

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2015: The Year of Double

At the end of every year, I find myself thinking back on the milestones of the year passed. In my personal life, I have had The Year of Moving – three times in one year – and The Year of

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Great Debate 3

El Gran Debate

This summer, students from the National Hispanic Institute (NHI) at San Antonio won their third consecutive Ambassador Great Debate championship. Ramiro Rodríguez, a member of the team, shares his experience–in both Spanish and English. Una enorme experiencia que recordare por el

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Giving Tuesday

#GivingTuesday, the Hashtag for Giving Back.

By now, you’ve received emails, seen the hashtag, or heard at least one of your friends say “Giving Tuesday”. And, if not, consider this your introduction. #GivingTuesday falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in an effort to create a national

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Pecha Kucha

SA2020 Partners With PechaKucha to Host Volume 20

From making the case for a $4 croissant to explaining the value of recycled materials in art, PechaKucha topics are as diverse and far-reaching as they come. The next presentations won’t be any different, but the milestone 20th PechaKucha SA

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