SA2020’s operations ended on March 28, 2024.
Our data, reports, and stories will remain online through September 2024. Read more about our decision to dissolve on our blog.
SA2020 | Stories | SA2020 - Part 17


On this blog, we share the stories of people all over San Antonio who are leading change. Read about the individuals, organizations, and collaborations that are moving us closer to the shared Community Vision.

Strengthening Families at the Parents’ Academy

Parents’ Academy, on the campus of Blessed Sacrament Academy, exists to strengthen and empower families. The more nurturing, guidance, and support a parent gives, the better their child is equipped to thrive in the face of life challenges. Many parents,

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Meet Andrea, Our New Partnership Manager!

We are so excited to welcome Andrea Lopez, our new Partnership Manager. Andrea has a background in nonprofits and education, and she’ll be using her experience and talents to better help support our SA2020 Partners. With a team member dedicated

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Fear Factor: High School Edition

This blog is the fifth in a year-long series written by students serving on the San Antonio Youth Commission. The San Antonio Youth Commission is a civic engagement platform for San Antonio High School students and is managed by the

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Puro SA Love

I’m a proud Tejana but even prouder to have been born and brewed in San Antonio. I feel a kinship to San Antonio and her personality. She’s synonymous with family, friends and the way we live our lives. She is

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Five Reasons to Attend Fresh Air Friday

If San Antonio hosted its version of the Oscars, it probably wouldn’t be Fresh Air Friday. If you’re expecting Fresh Air Friday (March 3rd, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Main Plaza) to be a star-studded, Instagram worthy, free-$1,000 face cream-in-the-swag-bag

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Mailing Address
P.O. Box 120335
San Antonio, TX 78212

