SA2020’s operations ended on March 28, 2024.
Our data, reports, and stories will remain online through September 2024. Read more about our decision to dissolve on our blog.
SA2020 | education | SA2020 - Part 21

Search Results for: education – Page 21

New Eyewear for San Antonio

By David Nikaido, SA2020 Trinity Mellon Fellow in Education, Summer 2013 When I first heard the name SA2020, I thought it was some local vision care provider. I

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Literacy program is ready to expand

In a hot and crowded back room of the Eastside Coalition Center, a group of eager adults and too-excited-to-sit-still children heard Laura Thompson announce some good news.  

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SA2020 Data Convening on June 4th, 2013

What a Month!

To mark this first glorious day of July, we gathered a few SA2020 highlights from the last lunar cycle in case you missed them: On June 4th, we

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