SA2020’s operations ended on March 28, 2024.
Our data, reports, and stories will remain online through September 2024. Read more about our decision to dissolve on our blog.
SA2020 | Igniting Fire | SA2020

Igniting Fire

When I found out my company was sponsoring SA2020’s The Board Game and was looking for individuals that were interested in learning more about board service, I immediately jumped at the opportunity. Over the years, I had been interested in serving others but just didn’t know where or how to get started. I had this calling or burning desire to join something great that was making a change. Typically, when you hear about serving on a board you think of these high-profile individuals that have some connection to the organization they serve. It seems impossible for someone with little to no connection, younger with maybe no experience to have a foot in the door.

When I explored boards, I didn’t see people like me. Younger to middle aged, Hispanic women in the financial sector. I felt that had enough experience and insight to bring a new perspective or ideas to the table. More than anything, I wanted to contribute, I wanted to see diversity amongst the boards throughout the city. I wanted to serve others and give back to the community. No better way than to connect with an organization that affords you the opportunity to learn, grow and make connections.

This is where SA2020 steps in and provides individuals that have this burning desire to serve others. SA2020 prepares you on what to expect from board service, equips you with the tools and provides connections to boards that align with your goals and interests. Throughout the training and matching process, I was able to connect with individuals that perhaps I wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for The Board Game. I was able to learn more about the nonprofits throughout our community that I had never heard of previously. It really was an eye-opening experience and ignited the fire in me to really align myself with a nonprofit that I felt I could contribute to.

Joining and serving on my board has been such an incredible fulfilling experience. The interview and selection process was fun and then hearing I was chosen for the board I really wanted was icing on the cake. I have enjoyed being a fly on the wall in some meetings. Learning the processes and learning from others has been such a blessing. I have enjoyed providing feedback, assistance, guidance, and resources. I’ve been able to align my employer with my nonprofit and we have some exciting collaborations in the works. We have participated in job fairs, sponsorship opportunities and even financial literacy. I am looking forward to expanding that next year! Being able to give to a nonprofit that does so much for our community has been incredibly rewarding. I am proud to be part of a team that includes individuals from different backgrounds, with different opinions and ideas that collaborate for the betterment of the organization. Being part of The Board Game along with my nonprofit has indeed ignited the fire in my servant heart.

The Board Game application is open for prospective board members through Sunday, July 24th. Find out more and apply.