As we celebrate the season of festive hashtags, SA2020 hopes that you’ll consider supporting our work – and our whole community’s vision – toward a better San Antonio. We’re in the beginning of our Piece of the Puzzle fundraising campaign – click here to donate now and help us reach our $50,000 goal.
Here at our office, we’re constantly amazed by the power of passionate individuals to make a difference in our community. We’re inspired by people like Brandon Logan, Jenee Gonzales, and Colleen Pence – people who not only care about their community, but are willing to step up and do something for it. People who see the big picture: when we all work together, big goals can be accomplished. Without passionate individuals, SA2020 – and our vision for San Antonio – would not exist.

SA2020 Ambassador Alfred Chavira, of Any Baby Can, shows off his SA2020 fitness style at Siclovia 2013.
And that’s still true today. As we work every day to measure progress toward our community’s goals, support partners throughout the community, and engage the public to get involved, we know that our strength as a nonprofit depends on donations from community members who are still super passionate about seeing an even better San Antonio.
Today’s festive hashtag is #GivingTuesday. This social-media-era holiday has erupted from the goodness of hearts around the world who were tired of all the excitement going toward bargain shopping and wanted to steer some of that energy toward causes that need it most. SA2020 is all about #GivingTuesday.
But instead of just #giving to join the fun (because giving is seriously fun), why not think specifically about what your goals are for our community. SA2020 is all about working together toward common goals, because we know that we’re #strongertogether (another great hashtag – feel free to use all year round).
One of our goals is to increase philanthropic giving, because we know that a community that helps nonprofits and charity work is a community that’s going in the right direction. So, by simply participating in #GivingTuesday, you’re already helping reach some SA2020 goals. Hooray!
But Philanthropic Giving is one of those goals that can do double duty – you can also choose to give in ways that supports work toward other SA2020 goals (check out this list of well-deserving SA2020 partners). You could also choose to support the entire SA2020 vision by donating to SA2020 the nonprofit — the organization that’s helping lead the way by measuring progress, supporting partners, and engaging the community.
This year, SA2020 is launching an online fundraising campaign called Piece of the Puzzle. Through the first few years of working on this community vision, we’re realized that there’s no way to reach all of our goals without everyone working together. We need all the pieces of the puzzle to complete the SA2020 vision. The more people who support SA2020 with donations (of any size!), the more we can continue to do the work that the community charged us to do: make our vision a reality. It’s a pretty massive task, but we take it seriously (even though we act silly sometimes… ok, a lot of times).
We’ve started seeing SA2020 supporters signing up online to raise money for our fundraiser, and we asked some to tell us why.
“I support SA2020 because San Antonio is where I’m raising my family. SA2020 is tracking and measuring the goals set for San Antonio’s future. I owe it to my sons to support their city’s future success,” said Melanie Mendez Gonzales, local Latina mom blogger and original content creator for Que Means What.
“I support SA2020 because I know collectively citizens of San Antonio are driven to make positive changes within our city, whether that be by improving our own personal health and fitness or increasing literacy rates of our youth to reducing waste and increasing recycling in our neighborhoods, I know through our unified efforts we can be the change our city needs to reach our 2020 goals,” Jenee Gonzales told us.
Please consider participating in #GivingTuesday this year by giving to SA2020, and join together with us to help our community reach our greatest potential.