SA2020’s operations ended on March 28, 2024.
Our data, reports, and stories will remain online through September 2024. Read more about our decision to dissolve on our blog.
SA2020 | Celebrating the Power of Individual Philanthropy During The Big Give | SA2020

Celebrating the Power of Individual Philanthropy During The Big Give

The Big Give, San Antonio’s 24-hour campaign of online giving, is here. Now in its tenth year, this annual event showcases the impact of individual giving—folks throughout our community (and beyond) donating to the organizations and causes they care about to collectively raise millions of dollars.

With a donation of $10 or more, San Antonians can invest in organizations that are moving the needle on shared goals and improving the well-being of people who live here. As nonprofits continue to recover from the COVID-19 crisis, this support from the community is critical. Many organizations saw a decrease in donations amid the pandemic (with smaller nonprofits experiencing the largest loss) while also having to shift or expand their programming to respond to changing community needs.

Though a gift of $10 or $20 may seem small, we know the power of individual giving. The largest source of philanthropy in the U.S., individual giving totaled $319 billion in 2022, more than twice the amount of giving from corporations ($29.5 billion) and foundations ($105.2 billion) combined.

Plus, donations from individuals are typically unrestricted, allowing and trusting nonprofit leaders to use them wherever the need is greatest, rather than for a specific use identified by a funder. Research also shows that organizations led by people of color are less likely to receive this type of unrestricted funding. One national analysis found that unrestricted assets held by nonprofits led by people of color were 76% smaller than those led by White people. Individual giving has the power to disrupt this and support the leadership of people of color.

During The Big Give, you can choose from hundreds of nonprofits to support (and even help them secure matching funds). If you need a place to start, we suggest donating to our Nonprofit Partners, organizations that have committed to aligning their work to San Antonio’s shared Community Vision. We’ve listed those participating below. And if you’re looking to support SA2020, you can donate to us directly (or set up a recurring donation, if you’re able, to help sustain our work).

San Antonio’s shared vision reminds us to “take responsibility for our collective well-being.” Donating to the organizations that make our community so much stronger is one fantastic way to do just that.