SA2020’s operations ended on March 28, 2024.
Our data, reports, and stories will remain online through September 2024. Read more about our decision to dissolve on our blog.
SA2020 | Resources | SA2020 - Part 3


A collection of the reports and research released by SA2020.

2016 Impact Report

The SA2020 Impact Report shows community data, community outcomes, and community impact. See where progress is being made in San Antonio, where challenges persist, and what organizations and individuals are working to create change.

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2016 Community Report Card

Our Community Report Card provides a snapshot of all of San Antonio’s most recent community data. See where San Antonio is succeeding and where we’re falling short on our shared goals.

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Talent Pipeline Info Sheet

This info sheet provides a snapshot of 21st century jobs and the San Antonio workforce. See where skills gaps and opportunities lie in San Antonio.

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Talent Pipeline Task Force Report

SA2020 convened the Talent Pipeline Task Force to develop a plan to better connect education and training to the San Antonio workforce in 3 targeted industries. This report contains recommendations for educational institutions, local employers, and local government, as well

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2014 Progress Report

SA2020’s second Progress Report shows updates on Cause Areas and community indicators, as well as San Antonio’s City Dividends™. 

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SA2020 San Antonio City Dividends – CEOs for Cities

CEOs for Cities, a national city-learning network, asks how investments of resources in strategies can reap economic benefits for a city. They do so by calculating City Dividends™, the economic impact of investing in action toward a community goal. In

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2013 Revised Indicator Report

After releasing the first Progress Report in 2013, SA2020 convened over 200 nonprofit and civic leaders, along with content experts, to refine and revise our community indicators. SA2020 wanted to ensure that each indicator would be a meaningful gauge of

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2013 Progress Report

SA2020’s first Progress Report shows the data on the goals San Antonio set as a community. Using the original community indicators, this report is SA2020’s first update on our shared progress. 

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San Antonio Brain Gain: Bubbles and Barriers

In recent years, San Antonio has experienced “brain gain” — more college educated talent relocating or returning to San Antonio. In this report prepared for SA2020 and the 80/20 Foundation, economic geographers show how San Antonio can continue to attract

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Original Vision Report

The Original Vision Report sums up the consensus that arose from the SA2020 visioning process in 2010. Together, over 6,000 neighbors prioritized focus on 11 Cause Areas to transform San Antonio. The Vision Report explains more about the vision for

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