San Antonio’s grassroots, nonprofit, health care and government leaders are combining efforts to educate the more than 212,000 uninsured people in Bexar County about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the benefits of health care coverage. “EnrollSA” is a coalition of several entities that have the collective goal of empowering individuals to take advantage of the health care marketplace through education and enrollment assistance events.
While many of the EnrollSA partners have been working to assist residents since October, the coalition on Wednesday officially launched the “EnrollSA, Get Bexar Covered” campaign and website,, which will serve as the central location for enrollment assistance events, frequently asked questions and other available resources. The public also may call (800) 318-2596 to receive this information.

Mayor Julián Castro speaks at the press conference launch of EnrollSA, a coalition of healthcare professionals, a collaborative effort that includes hospitals, Bexar County, the City of San Antonio, and grassroots and community-based organizations.
“In 2010, the community spoke as part of the SA2020 visioning process,” said Mayor Julián Castro. “By the year 2020, we wanted more people to have access to healthcare. With more than 212,000 uninsured in Bexar County, we need innovative solutions like this to get more people covered, strengthen families and boost our economy.”
EnrollSA has set the goal of getting coverage for 20,000 Bexar County residents by March 31, the last day of open enrollment for ACA. In 2011, a little more than 78 percent of Bexar County residents had health insurance. One of the goals of SA2020, a partner in EnrollSA, is to have 86 percent of the population insured by 2020.
“University Health System, the county’s taxpayer-funded public hospital district, does a wonderful job providing first-rate care for the uninsured,” County Judge Nelson Wolff said. “But the truth is uninsured people in general receive less medical care and less timely care, thereby lowering the potential of better health outcomes. So it should important to all taxpayers to see that we get as many people covered as we possibly can.”
The next major enrollment and education event will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, at San Antonio College, 1300 San Pedro Ave., in the Candler P.E. Center: